Day 1 : Optional Pre-Conference Workshops
Here is your opportunity to dive deep into hands-on emergency medicine workshops, led by some awesome faculty! These sessions will provide real-world, practical training that you can apply immediately in your practice, which sets you apart as a leader in our industry.
Whether you are looking to add another certification to your repertoire, challenge yourself in a team competition, or just learn and reinforce skills that you may not have the opportunity to do elsewhere, here is your chance!
With limited spots available, don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this exclusive group of professionals who are taking their expertise to the next level. Secure your place in one or more of these workshops to take your experience further.
Please note, some workshops may have additional fees beyond the standard Day 2 Conference Admission Ticket price, and are paid directly to the faculty. Please follow instructions for the individual workshop you are looking to attend.

Pre-Hospital Ultrasound Course (POCUS)

Instructor: Dr. Christopher DiCroce, Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician, Fellowship trained in Ultrasound.
Target Audience: Highly motivated EMS practitioners, including critical care flight paramedics and RNs, paramedics working in low resource settings, department/service training officers and any paramedic interested in furthering their education and fund of knowledge.
*Limited to 10 paying attendees, but two (2) others can attend for free if willing to also allow students to perform ultrasound scans on them! Inquire with NEEMSI at link below.
Prerequisites: NREMT or State EMT, AEMT, Paramedic, or State Nursing License
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles of point of care ultrasound, both diagnostic and procedural. Using the current model of point of care ultrasound in the emergency department as a framework, students will learn the basics of cardiac and lung ultrasound, ultrasound guided IVs, as well performing the Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) exam. Students have an opportunity for hands on ultrasound practice with live models as well as to practice ultrasound guided IVs on high fidelity phantom models.
Goal: Introduce the concepts and utility of point of care ultrasound in rapidly assessing critically ill patients, create a basic skill set to expand upon with further learning and practice and to spark the conversation on the adaptability of point of care ultrasound to prehospital care.
This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education for eight advanced CEH. Course code will be issued upon course completion. *This is a FULL DAY workshop.*
Airway Management:
Mastering Ourselves Before Mastering the Airway
Instructor: Matt Sterling, FF/NRP, FP-C, CCP-C, TP-C, MCoROM and Loribeth Sterling-Elliot, EMT-P, CFRN, CCRN, CCEMT-P​
Target Audience: Paramedics and nurses, though AEMT and EMT personnel are welcome as well.
*Limited to 12 attendees to allow for optimal hand's-on time for skills practice.
Prerequisites: NREMT or State EMT, AEMT, Paramedic, or State Nursing License.

This course is not a "how to intubate" course. This is an opportunity to fully realize your potential as an airway master practitioner. We will focus on airway evaluation and difficulty prediction not only for ETI but also for supraglottics. Safety-Time-Out's, airway challenge and response, various rescue maneuvers, and tips and tricks will be discussed to give you the best chance in the field of managing an airway with the most confidence possible. This workshop will also include airway anatomy dissection and "neck rescue" practice for surgical and needle cric procedures, trach emergencies, and more. You will not only able to practice your skills in this course, but navigate real-world scenarios for urgent and emergent airway management with the other attendees.
Goal: To ensure that all personnel have the confidence and knowledge base to approach urgent and emergent airway patients with a level head, thoroughly evaluate, plan, and communicate with their team, and think outside the box with all the tools of the trade, not just the physical ones.
*This is a HALF-DAY workshop, running from 0730-1130Hrs. This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education for four advanced CEH. Course code will be issued upon course completion.
EMS Team Competitions

Instructor: Panel consisting of various judges including Emergency Medicine physicians and experienced paramedics. ​
Target Audience: EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic staff.
​Each ambulance service can provide up to two teams to compete.
Prerequisites: NREMT or State EMT, AEMT, Paramedic license.
Do you feel confident in your skills and abilities to effectively assess, differential-diagnose, and manage medical and trauma patients? Here is your opportunity to participate in friendly competition with other area EMS personnel and see how you stack up. Each service may establish up to two (2) teams consisting of either of the following, EMT & Paramedic or AEMT & Paramedic. Teams will be assigned a time to report in uniform with their first-in bag to be evaluated by a silent panel of judges, as you navigate one Medical and one Trauma scenario. Simply arrive, navigate each of the two scenarios in the room, and the judges will score your team. Only one team will be competing at any given time. Scores will be reviewed by the panel at the end of the day, and the EMS Team with the highest number of points will be awarded a prize during the awards ceremony on Day 2 during lunch.
Goal: To help build a fun and friendly competitive atmosphere, test your professionalism, knowledge, ability to work as a team and lead, and your clinical management.
*Teams competing in this workshop/competition will be assigned a time to report. Plan on one hour for this commitment. This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education for one advanced CEH. Course code will be issued upon completion of your scenarios.
12-Lead Boot Camp
Instructor: Matt Sterling, FF/NRP, FP-C, CCP-C, TP-C, MCoROM​
Target Audience: Nursing and Paramedic staff. While EMT and AEMT staff are welcome, this course will dive heavily into advanced 12-lead ECG topics.
Prerequisites: NREMT or State EMT, AEMT, Paramedic license, or state Nursing license.

How comfortable are you with interpreting a 12-lead ECG? How far do you go beyond checking for ST-elevations and depressions? Do you find yourself trusting the print-out interpretations a little too often? If so, this workshop is for you. We will absolutely cover cardiac A&P, but also take a deep dive into 12-lead interpretation, covering new STEMI/OMI criteria for age and sex, how to find STEMI/OMI underlying LBBB, ventricular paced rhythms, LVH, and more. You will learn how to identify old vs new LBBB in the field, see all of the STEMI-equivalents and MI-mimics out there, and become more confident in your interpretation abilities.
Goal: To build on your confidence and interpretation abilities when reading 12, 15, and 18-lead ECG's, become better at eliminating distractors and seeing through the artifact and mimics, and hopefully to put this into practice in the field and make a better outcome for your patients.
*This is a HALF-DAY workshop and will run from 1230Hrs-1630Hrs. This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education for four advanced CEH. Course code will be issued upon completion of your scenarios.
Workshops Pending Confirmation:
Basic Life Support for Obstetrics (BLSO)- Provider Course
Details pending, check back soon!
Handtevy Pediatric Provider Course
Details pending, check back soon!
ACLS for Experienced Providers (ACLS-EP)
Details pending, check back soon!